$9f0|1-Where can you get... |2-Balls!II ? $fcc by Dr.Dick $ff8The short answer is - my web site! A while ago I got a GeoCities site and stuck Balls up on there so that people I was in touch with could get the latest version or an up-to-date lottery file whenever they liked, but not many people have actually been to get it, possibly because I have not advertised it much, except possibly on the Amiga Web Directory, but we at TW all know how good THEY are don't we? The latest version of Balls!2 is v1.15 and it is available from: http://freespace.virgin.net/dr.dick/ Simply go to the Amiga section and have a looksee, make sure you go round the site a couple of times because there's a bit of interesting stuff and links to many interesting people on the web. Have fun! And of course, if you have any suggestions, let me know! .----------------------------------------------------. | Dr.Dick@Virgin.net IRC: Dr-Dick on #wibbleworld | | ICQ: 1809384 (Saturdays 10pm-1am on DALnet) | | The website: http://freespace.virgin.net/dr.dick/ | |----------------------------------------------------| | K6-225Mhz/75vx/64Mb/1Gb/x2/4x4CD/Mstq/UAE (@^@) | `------------------------------------------oOO(_)OOo-' $9ffend